FAQ & How to buy
Q. How do I buy your work?
A. All my recent work is uploaded regularly onto instagram & facebook. This is an easy way to follow my work. Or you can browse thru the portfolio, then read the dialogue above the images -- where you will find sizes & price. Then click on the image you like. If it's not already sold, then you should email me or call me (contact page).
There are several gallery & art boutiques who carry my work. You may have to contact them directly if the portfolio suggests the artwork is with them.
Q. Do you sell prints?
A. 2 options, one is via my publisher -- http://acgallery.co.uk/paulbrowne
And also by clicking 'prints tab' at the top of this page, for my self-published prints.
Q. Current gallery representation?
A. The Pineapple Gallery, Bishop Auckland.
County Galleries, Altrincham.
Q. Should I get your work framed?
A. absolutely. It makes a world of difference.
Q. Can I visit your studio?
A. Yes -- just contact me via 'contact page'.
Q. Who or what are your inspirations?
A. Lots of contemporary painters such as Kurt Jackson, Pete Stanaway & William Wray. Of course many of the masters, especially in my early years, such as Van Gogh, Monet, Picasso, Vulliard, Theodore Major, Lowery to name but a few.
Q. How do you choose your subject?
A. It chooses me.
Q. Are you on social media?
A. instagram / paul_browne_artist
facebook / @paulbrowne1977